Tuesday 16 February 2016

Sweat, Fever and Black Eye


Apply moisturizer on the face. This way, it allows to blend better, it also will provide with a shiny surface. There's no need to powder. Then, apply concealer on the red spots or blemishes and under the eyes as well.

With a stipple sponge, apply Supra Color (red) mixed with moisturizer on the face and neck and blend very well (no hard edges) using the fingers. Don't go too hard, as it has to look natural. Then, using a small flat brush, apply on the eyelids as well to create the fever eye look. For good results, apply the color as close as possible to the eyelash. Use the fingers to blend. 
To create the black eye look, start applying from the inner corner of the eye, with dark purple and red cream colors. Create a dark circle under the eye as well.

To create the sweat, use the same stipple sponge and pour some glycerine on the back of the hand. Then tap on the sweaty areas such as forehead, upper lip, around the nose and neck. 

 Also, to create a more sweaty look, you can spray water on the hair and on the back of the neck.
To apply fake tears, you need to ask your model to lay their head back and you just drop in one or two fake tears.

To create the dry lips effect, just apply latex on them, let it dry and color the hard edges with red.

Products used:
supra color
fake tears

Health and safety: 

- Clean your hands and the model's face before using the products. 

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