Monday 1 February 2016

Workshop week 2

After a few days, we had the 80's workshop with Sue. 1980 is a..well let's say interesting year. for its makeup and hair trends. First and foremost there was just a lot of it. The girls of the 80s literally “painted” their faces on. The two defining makeup elements in the 80s face were bold eyes and blush meant to accentuate the cheek bones. The more noticeable the eye shadow and the heavier the blush, the better you looked as far as 80s fashion was concerned. The picture to the right of 80s music and fashion queen, Cyndi Lauper, has a lot of great elements to point out, relating to makeup as well as 80s fashion in general. Notice the very heavy use of bright pink blush in combination with the heavy eyeliner and orange eye shadow.
On the fashion side, she’s got the top over the shoulder thing going, lots of bangles and even a black lace fingerless glove on her right hand. On the hair side, she has the big, teased and off-to-one-side-do down pat. There were tons of eye shadow colors in heavy use throughout the 80s, but the color most associated with the decade is the god-awful electric blue stuff. What in the world were we thinking? The eyeliner, in particular, was worn in abundance and on the inside. Surely you remember gently pulling the bottom of your eye down to achieve the most complete coverage. Nothing says 80s valley vixen like tons of blue or teal eyeliner rimming the inside of your eyes. (By the way, if planning for an 80s party, you are going to want to employ this eyeliner trick – it has an instant
transformative effect). Bright blue eye shadow along with a bold secondary color (as shown with orange to the left), heavy eyeliner, colored mascara – let’s just say it was the complete opposite of the “natural” look that’s so popular today. 
While we’re talking about eye makeup, let’s discuss an alternate use we found for eyeliner in the eighties. Before the 80s, having a mole wasn’t something to be proud of. Then we fell in love with Madonna and suddenly everyone wanted one. Weren’t born with it? Not a problem. Buy a stick-on or simply draw one on with brown eyeliner. Did it look good? Heck no! But come on, it was the 80s! Our totally bodacious babe shown above demonstrates both an excellent example of a blue and orange eye shadow palate along with the faux eyeliner-based facial mole. As they say in the movie Better Off Dead, “lookin good, lookin real good.”

For this workshop, I chose to do a common 80's hairstyle on my Kate head. What I did, was to crimp all the hair, and then back comb the front section, fixing the sides in hair grips. 

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